Live Projects Management Solutions

Introducing students to real-world situations through live projects is beneficial for students as well as organizations. Businesses gain fresh perspectives and unique ideas, while students bridge the theory-practice gap and enhance their resumes. But managing these projects can be complex.

India's #1 Campus Hiring Platform – Skills Connect, makes it easier to hire students for live projects. We connect you with perfect candidates, right project management and groom future talent, connecting campuses to business.

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Benefits of Live Projects

  • Creativity

    The students are a fresh perspective and this can lead to creative outcomes for your live projects.

  • Cost-Effective

    Use freshers to help build at a reduced rate vs industry professionals.

  • Sourcing Early Talent Pipeline

    Engage with college students through live projects to spot probable hire.

Traditional Live Project Management: Hurdles

  • Campuses are hard to reach

    Getting high-excellent students from beyond our local institutions.

  • Manually Managing

    Organizing applications and allocating students .

Live Projects - Streamlined through SkillsConnect

Access 13,000+ verified colleges nationwide and connect with the best of top talent

  • Automated Application Management

    Access 13,000+ verified colleges nationwide, connecting you with top talent.

  • Skill-Based Matching

    Match students with the right projects based on their skills and academic performance

  • Sign up for SkillsConnect today and experience a seamless and successful live project management journey. Engage students, bring up innovation, and discover the future of your workforce!

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