23 September, 2022

Tips To Make Resume For Internships: A Complete Guide for Beginners


Aditi Joshi


Experience and Skills are the most crucial things which help the employers decide who gets their foot in the door. For freshers, having a lot of experience is not really possible and here Internships play a very important role. It is advised to all the students and graduates to explore the opportunities of Internships to have an understanding about how the corporate world actually works and gain a competitive advantage over your contemporaries.


1. Carefully check the Internship role description

First things first, whenever you look for an Internship, the role should be checked properly and you should jot down the skills which are needed for the particular role and then you should be able to examine yourself if you have those required skills. This will help you decide whether this Internship is relevant to your career goals.

2. Research about the organization

Before applying into a particular organization you should always do in depths research about the organization to understand what the company expects from an employee, what the organization offers to the employees and by doing this you will be able to make changes to your resume by highlighting or adding the points that company will be interested in.

3. Highlight your Name and Contact details

Mention your complete name, contact number at the top of the resume so that it’s easier for the employer to reach out to you. You can also add the links of your LinkedIn profile, this will help you stand out from the others.

4. Include an objective statement

An objective statement is basically a summary of your career goals and what you will be contributing to the company. Use keywords related to the role that you are applying for which will help to catch the employers attention. Always mention your objective at the top or at the beginning of your resume.

5. Highlight your skills

The resumes which will have all the relevant skills needed for the particular roles will be shortlisted so make sure to add the skills which are relevant to the role you are applying for. When you mention a particular skill you need to have solid knowledge about it for example, if you are mentioning communication in your skills then you need to have good interpersonal skills. You also need to have core skills needed for the job role to actually have an impact on the employers.

6. Include your past experiences

It’s always advised to add your experiences to the resume, but try and make sure that the past experiences that you are mentioning will be helpful to the job role you applying for.

7. Add your Educational Qualifications

Educational qualification should be listed in a way that the highest qualification should be on the top and the lower qualification should follow downwards. Always mention the qualification, the institute, year of passing and scores.

8. Add you achievements

Apart from experiences and educations, if you have other extra curricular achievements it is always advised to mention it in the resume. This make your resume full of life and gives an impression that you also take initiative in other things.

9. Format your resume

Last but not the lease, you should always make your resume look presentable. If you have a lot of value adding things in your resume but your resume is not properly aligned and formatted. Use appropriate fonts and font sizes to highlight important information. Make sure everything is properly visible and looks professional.

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